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Pay Times

Umbrella Corporation Treasury

Umbrella Corporation's compensation system is designed to reward employees for their hard work and dedication.

Umbrella Corporation pays 4 times a day. 6AM — 6PM — 12AM — 12PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Don't worry! We did all the timezone converting for you!

General Information

-All standard division members (Agents, Security, and Trainers) receive a 2c payment per pay period.
Intelligence division through Bio-Weapons Brigade receive a 3c payment per pay period.
Mutation Control through Project Nemesis divisions receive a 4c payment per pay period.

and last but not least, iC+ ranks receive a 5c payment per pay period

In order to receive pay all members must meet the following requirements and abide by the following regulations:

  • You must not be in the hallways or FTB (Fill The Back) when pay time comes
  • You must in base 15 minutes prior to pay time
  • You must have a total of 60 minutes Habbo online time (located on your profile)

If you disconnect, you'll need two people (or one 1iC+) who were at base with you to vouch for you. Or, you can send us screenshots of your disconnection; we'll check if they're acceptable proof. We reserve the right to not pay anyone who is found abusing the system.

  • Agents must receive 2 promotions and Security members must receive 1 promotion since the previous pay time.
  • If you do not have a trading pass and are below the rank of Mutation Control, you will receive a promotion instead of pay.

(Diplo+ are not eligible for a trade locked promotion).

  • Divisional tasks or quota must be completed in order to choose promotion over pay.
  • Agents -  Mutation Control  are able to choose promotion over pay on any of the official paytimes. 

(All tasks/promotions requirements have to be completed in order to choose promo over pay).

  • You MUST stay in base for at least 45 minutes after payover is called to not get pay banned. 

For example, if payover was called at :05, you must stay until :50 to avoid getting pay banned.

  • If you disconnected or must urgently log off, make sure to inform the respective payer.

​Failure to inform the payer of your absence may result in pay ban.

  • You are not allowed to ask anyone or publicly announce when pay ban is over.
  • Do not abuse our compensation system. ​Abusing includes, but is not limited to coming to UC HQ only for pay without doing any in-base or SU work, have no activity on Portal or receiving no promotions. If caught abusing it, member will be pay banned for 3 days and further disciplinaries if it's continued abuse.
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